IMIA Statement on Ethics for the Map Industry

The International Map Industry Association (IMIA) recognizes the following essential priorities and practices for ethical conduct by global mapping and geospatial businesses:

  • Demonstrating integrity in all aspects of business operations, particularly correct map information and proper treatment of intellectual property.
  • Maintaining business relationships through truthful communication and inclusive practices.
  • Utilizing best practices for sourcing appropriate data and producing map content at resolutions/scales aligned with expected usage.
  • Producing quality map and data products and services by focusing on their relevant usability, fidelity to a consistent ethical cartographic process, and accountability through honest and transparent procedures.

To focus on business and industry considerations of these discussions on ethics in mapping, IMIA conducted an ethics workshop at their annual Mapping Leaders Forum, which led to the following statement.

Resources for Ethics in Cartography 

In recent years, there have been advances in the development of guidelines for cartographic professionals engaged in the art and science of mapmaking. These basic guiding principles provide the foundation for a code of ethics and provide the justification for actionable strategies that help direct and assess a mapmaker’s decisions.

This downloadable report features extensive Resources for Ethics in Cartography, including a helpful compilation of case studies, samples of codes of ethics from other industries, and a thorough timeline of advancements and initiatives on ethics by several global cartographic and mapping-related organizations.

Ethics in Cartography Discussions at IMIA events