Cartographic Perspectives is planning a special issue on Ethics in Cartography for their Fall 2024 issues. It will include two peer-reviewed papers and a series of “case studies” which can take nearly any narrative form.

We are looking for short texts (1000-3000 words; shorter if need be) that address ethical dilemmas you have encountered in the map world, and how they were or were not resolved. We are looking for variety in every dimension we can think of—what sector of the map world you work in, what kind of issues you are dealing with, and the cultures the conflict comes out of.

Please consider that what we are seeking is less theory and more practice: it’s the wrestling with ethical quandaries we are interested in. We are just fine with describing conflicts that aren’t resolved. Not all ethical issues are neat and simple—this is part of the point of view we are working from.Please let us know ASAP if you are interested in contributing, and please spread the word however you know to the rest of the map world. We are looking for draft texts to be delivered to us by January 20, 2024.Contact Nat Case at; or Aileen Buckley at with questions or proposed submissions, or just send a draft to either one of us as a Word document or shared Google Doc.