Welcoming new officers for 2023
The IMIA Board of Directors has approved its new officers for 2023: Bridger DeVille of Benchmark Maps as President; Vivien Godfrey of Edward Stanford Group Limited as Treasurer; and Dave Knipfer of Mapping Specialists Limited as Secretary. We congratulate these three longtime IMIA members on their new positions within the organization and are excited to see what the year ahead brings.
We also welcome Alex Lee of East View Map Link as our newest director and who will also serve on our Marketing and Events committees.
A graduate of the University of Minnesota, Alex has spent time teaching in China, as well as working in the St. Paul Mayor’s office, and as a buyer and special accounts representative at East View Map Link. Today, Alex is the Director of Operations and Business Development, responsible for the coordination of East View Map Link, Longitude and the Print On Demand services for East View Companies.
For a full list of the IMIA Board of Directors, visit our website >
Member News
OnDemand Topo Maps Officially Join USGS National Map Offerings
In February 2022, the National Geospatial Program (NGP) launched the topoBuilder application as a pilot capability for the public. This free, customizable, topographic mapping capability enables everyone, regardless of their level of map or data expertise, to build customized on-demand topographic maps from reliable and authoritative data in The National Map.
Thanks to a highly successful pilot project, OnDemand Topo maps will become a permanent National Map offering. Starting January 2023 topoBuilder and OnDemand Topo maps joined US Topo as a standard offering from the NGP, along with downloadable geospatial data for boundaries, elevation, geographic names, hydrography, land cover, orthoimagery, structures, and transportation.
From around the web
Lovell Johns’ Artistic City Maps Used for Promotional Artwork
Lovell Johns were approached by US award-winning graphic design agency Turner Duckworth with a requirement for vector map artwork for use in their refresh of Maker’s Mark Kentucky bourbon. As experts in map-making, our client sought our expertise in how to produce a map-based visual asset with sufficient road network detail to convey the city identity and allow further art-working in their design environment.
IMIA Industry Social
Join us for an IMIA-sponsored event on the eve of the London Book Fair. Connect with global industry colleagues while exploring Stanfords London location, full of more than 55,000 items, while enjoying drinks & light fare.
Mapping Leaders Forum
Keeping with our goals of advancing education and business networking, this event will combine interesting presentations with panel discussions and networking breaks, allowing attendees to meet new members and catch up with industry colleagues.
IMIA Membership Benefits